Dec 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Paul Benfer- Alan Murphy of Sea Intelligence said on a Journal of Commerce webcast Tuesday that there is no end in sight to the port congestion issues in North America. He stated that “I don’t know when this will end and anyone that does shows how...
Mar 8, 2021 | Economy, freight supply chain management, Government Actions, Logistics, logistics trucking services, Ports, Shipping, Trucking, trucking company services, trucking services for hire, Uncategorized
By Paul Benfer – The Protect the Right to Organize Act seeks to take California’s AB5 bill and make it a federal law by amending the National Labor Relations Act of 1947. What the sponsors are really seeking to do is continue their assault on small...
Nov 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Paul Benfer – TFI International completed the $225 million dollar aquisition of DLS Worldewide, formerly under the R.R. Donnelley umbrella, effective Tuesday, November 2nd. DLS Worldwide is now officially known as TForce Worldwide. TForce Worlwide will...
Oct 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Paul Benfer – DLS annouced a major system upgrade. You will now be able to view and monitor shipping activity for subsidiaries, multiple locations, and even different companies under one corporate umbrella via one DLS dashboard. It is a great tool to monitor...